
In the late afternoon we finally spot it – on the crest of a slope. Its hair is raised; its large, dark eyes fix a point in the distance, alert.
The herd is grazing further down on the first fresh grass of the steppes. Every few seconds, one of them lifts a head, sniffing the wind.
By Brais Palmás
26 de August, 2023

Yesterday, as every night before going to sleep, I soaked a few handfuls of oat flakes, seeds and nuts. The water I used is from the river I've been paddling since last week, the same water I drink myself and all those boisterous little birds that just woke me up.
By Brais Palmás
31 de December, 2022

Ayer, como cada noche antes de irme a dormir, he puesto a remojo unos puñados de copos de avena, semillas y frutos secos. El agua que he usado es la del río que estoy remando desde la semana pasada, el mismo agua que bebo yo y todos esos bulliciosos pajarracos que me acaban de despertar.
By Brais Palmás
31 de December, 2022