Plastific Ocean // Panama
Sometimes, it happens to me while hiking long distances. At a certain moment, my legs start moving mechanically, and my mind begins to wander[...]
Xylem // Bosnia and Herzegovina
A hiss between the rocks makes us stop in our tracks. Poskok! They have warned us of this snake. It was the first word[...]
Dammed and doomed // Montenegro
In the late afternoon we finally spot it – on the crest of a slope. Its hair is raised; its large, dark eyes fix[...]
Sea monsters // France
Winter in the North Atlantic. The black flag flutters over a ship’s deck where a frenetic activity is taking place today[...]
Ambushed // Portugal
The sound of an approaching engine brings us out of sleep. Sleepily I feel around the mat in search of the headlamp and when[...]
Photo-synthesis // Portugal
A bunch of panniers hangs on both sides of the bicycles. Most of the space is taken up by camping props and clothing, while[...]